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๐Ÿ—ž๏ธWhy Medieval Bologna Was Full of Tall Towers, and What Happened to Them

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Why Medieval Bologna Was Full of Tall Towers, and What Happened to Them

2024-05-21 - Colin Marshall (from www.openculture.com)

Image by Toni Pecoraro, via Wikimedia Commons Go to practically any major city today, and you\342\200\231ll notice that the buildings in certain areas are much taller than in others. That may sound trivially true, but what\342\200\231s less obvious is that the height of those buil\342\200\246

Image by Toni Pec\302\255o\302\255raro, via Wiki\302\255me\302\255dia Com\302\255mons\\r\\nGo to prac\302\255ti\302\255cal\302\255ly any major city today, and youll notice that the build\302\255ings in cer\302\255tain areas are much taller than in oth\302\255ers. That may sound t\342\200\246 [+3471 chars]

[gemini-fun-call] ๐ŸŒŽ https://www.openculture.com/2024/05/why-medieval-bologna-was-full-of-tall-towers-and-what-happened-to-them.html


Title: Why Medieval Bologna Was Full of Tall Towers, and What Happened to Them
Summary: Image by Toni Pecoraro, via Wikimedia Commons Go to practically any major city today, and you\342\200\231ll notice that the buildings in certain areas are much taller than in others. That may sound trivially true, but what\342\200\231s less obvious is that the height of those buil\342\200\246

Image by Toni Pec\302\255o\302\255raro, via Wiki\302\255me\302\255dia Com\302\255mons\\r\\nGo to prac\302\255ti\302\255cal\302\255ly any major city today, and youll notice that the build\302\255ings in cer\302\255tain areas are much taller than in oth\302\255ers. That may sound t\342\200\246 [+3471 chars]

Author: Colin Marshall
PublishedDate: 2024-05-21
Category: gemini-fun-call
NewsPaper: www.openculture.com
"title"=>"Why Medieval Bologna Was Full of Tall Towers, and What Happened to Them",
"summary"=>"Image by Toni Pecoraro, via Wikimedia Commons Go to practically any major city today, and you\\342\\200\\231ll notice that the buildings in certain areas are much taller than in others. That may sound trivially true, but what\\342\\200\\231s less obvious is that the height of those buil\\342\\200\\246",
"content"=>"Image by Toni Pec\\302\\255o\\302\\255raro, via Wiki\\302\\255me\\302\\255dia Com\\302\\255mons\\\\r\\\\nGo to prac\\302\\255ti\\302\\255cal\\302\\255ly any major city today, and youll notice that the build\\302\\255ings in cer\\302\\255tain areas are much taller than in oth\\302\\255ers. That may sound t\\342\\200\\246 [+3471 chars]",
"author"=>"Colin Marshall",
"published_date"=>Tue, 21 May 2024 08:00:09.000000000 UTC +00:00,
"ricc_source"=>"Gemini FunctionCalling",
"created_at"=>Sat, 25 May 2024 08:24:38.204132000 UTC +00:00,
"updated_at"=>Sat, 25 May 2024 08:24:38.204132000 UTC +00:00,
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