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🗞️Federal judge condemns ‘normalization’ of January 6 while sentencing defiant rioter - CNN

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Federal judge condemns ‘normalization’ of January 6 while sentencing defiant rioter - CNN

2024-04-03 - (from Google News - US)

Federal judge condemns ‘normalization’ of January 6 while sentencing defiant rioter  CNNJan. 6 rioter who led crowd in attacking police sentenced to over 7 years in prison  ABC NewsFederal judge condemns 'normalization' of January 6 while sentencing defiant rioter  Yahoo! VoicesFederal judge slams "normalization" of Capitol riot  Axios

[Italy] 🌎 https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiYWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNubi5jb20vMjAyNC8wNC8wMy9wb2xpdGljcy90cnVtcC1jcml0aWNpc20tanVkZ2Utcm95Y2UtbGFtYmVydGgtamFudWFyeS02L2luZGV4Lmh0bWzSAVpodHRwczovL2FtcC5jbm4uY29tL2Nubi8yMDI0LzA0LzAzL3BvbGl0aWNzL3RydW1wLWNyaXRpY2lzbS1qdWRnZS1yb3ljZS1sYW1iZXJ0aC1qYW51YXJ5LTY?oc=5


Title: Federal judge condemns ‘normalization’ of January 6 while sentencing defiant rioter - CNN
Summary: Federal judge condemns ‘normalization’ of January 6 while sentencing defiant rioter  CNNJan. 6 rioter who led crowd in attacking police sentenced to over 7 years in prison  ABC NewsFederal judge condemns 'normalization' of January 6 while sentencing defiant rioter  Yahoo! VoicesFederal judge slams "normalization" of Capitol riot  Axios

PublishedDate: 2024-04-03
Category: Italy
NewsPaper: Google News - US
"title"=>"Federal judge condemns ‘normalization’ of January 6 while sentencing defiant rioter - CNN",
  1. Federal judge condemns ‘normalization’ of January 6 while sentencing defiant rioter  CNN
  2. Jan. 6 rioter who led crowd in attacking police sentenced to over 7 years in prison  ABC News
  3. Federal judge condemns 'normalization' of January 6 while sentencing defiant rioter  Yahoo! Voices
  4. Federal judge slams \"normalization\" of Capitol riot  Axios
"published_date"=>Wed, 03 Apr 2024 22:31:00.000000000 UTC +00:00,
"created_at"=>Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:39:40.016050000 UTC +00:00,
"updated_at"=>Tue, 14 May 2024 05:18:46.288731000 UTC +00:00,
"newspaper"=>"Google News - US",
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