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πŸ—žοΈWill the Chiefs move to Kansas? Effort to lure team underway after failed Jackson Co. vote - Kansas City Star

Will the Chiefs move to Kansas? Effort to lure team underway after failed Jackson Co. vote - Kansas City Star

2024-04-03 - (from Google News - US)

Will the Chiefs move to Kansas? Effort to lure team underway after failed Jackson Co. vote  Kansas City StarMissouri voters reject stadium tax for Royals and Chiefs  ESPNMayor of Dallas rooting for Chiefs to move back to Dallas  NBC SportsStadium tax measure brings massive voter turnout  KCTV 5Where did the stadium tax question get the most and least support in Jackson County?  Yahoo! Voices

[Italy] 🌎 https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiSWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmthbnNhc2NpdHkuY29tL25ld3MvcG9saXRpY3MtZ292ZXJubWVudC9hcnRpY2xlMjg3MzU3MzMwLmh0bWzSAUlodHRwczovL2FtcC5rYW5zYXNjaXR5LmNvbS9uZXdzL3BvbGl0aWNzLWdvdmVybm1lbnQvYXJ0aWNsZTI4NzM1NzMzMC5odG1s?oc=5


Title: Will the Chiefs move to Kansas? Effort to lure team underway after failed Jackson Co. vote - Kansas City Star
Summary: Will the Chiefs move to Kansas? Effort to lure team underway after failed Jackson Co. vote  Kansas City StarMissouri voters reject stadium tax for Royals and Chiefs  ESPNMayor of Dallas rooting for Chiefs to move back to Dallas  NBC SportsStadium tax measure brings massive voter turnout  KCTV 5Where did the stadium tax question get the most and least support in Jackson County?  Yahoo! Voices

PublishedDate: 2024-04-03
Category: Italy
NewsPaper: Google News - US
"title"=>"Will the Chiefs move to Kansas? Effort to lure team underway after failed Jackson Co. vote - Kansas City Star",
  1. Will the Chiefs move to Kansas? Effort to lure team underway after failed Jackson Co. vote  Kansas City Star
  2. Missouri voters reject stadium tax for Royals and Chiefs  ESPN
  3. Mayor of Dallas rooting for Chiefs to move back to Dallas  NBC Sports
  4. Stadium tax measure brings massive voter turnout  KCTV 5
  5. Where did the stadium tax question get the most and least support in Jackson County?  Yahoo! Voices
"published_date"=>Wed, 03 Apr 2024 20:33:00.000000000 UTC +00:00,
"created_at"=>Wed, 03 Apr 2024 22:06:32.174055000 UTC +00:00,
"updated_at"=>Tue, 14 May 2024 05:15:54.415833000 UTC +00:00,
"newspaper"=>"Google News - US",
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