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๐Ÿ—ž๏ธThe White House tells NASA to create a new time zone for the Moon - Engadget

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The White House tells NASA to create a new time zone for the Moon - Engadget

2024-04-03 - (from Google News - US)

The White House tells NASA to create a new time zone for the Moon  EngadgetExclusive: White House directs NASA to create time standard for the moon  ReutersMoon standard time: White House instructs NASA to create lunar time zones  SalonWhite House directs NASA to create time standard for the moon  Yahoo! VoicesNASA told to set time on the moon by 2026  The Washington Post

[Italy] ๐ŸŒŽ https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiaWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmVuZ2FkZ2V0LmNvbS90aGUtd2hpdGUtaG91c2UtdGVsbHMtbmFzYS10by1jcmVhdGUtYS1uZXctdGltZS16b25lLWZvci10aGUtbW9vbi0xOTM5NTczNzcuaHRtbNIBAA?oc=5


Title: The White House tells NASA to create a new time zone for the Moon - Engadget
Summary: The White House tells NASA to create a new time zone for the Moon  EngadgetExclusive: White House directs NASA to create time standard for the moon  ReutersMoon standard time: White House instructs NASA to create lunar time zones  SalonWhite House directs NASA to create time standard for the moon  Yahoo! VoicesNASA told to set time on the moon by 2026  The Washington Post

PublishedDate: 2024-04-03
Category: Italy
NewsPaper: Google News - US
"title"=>"The White House tells NASA to create a new time zone for the Moon - Engadget",
  1. The White House tells NASA to create a new time zone for the Moon  Engadget
  2. Exclusive: White House directs NASA to create time standard for the moon  Reuters
  3. Moon standard time: White House instructs NASA to create lunar time zones  Salon
  4. White House directs NASA to create time standard for the moon  Yahoo! Voices
  5. NASA told to set time on the moon by 2026  The Washington Post
"published_date"=>Wed, 03 Apr 2024 19:39:58.000000000 UTC +00:00,
"created_at"=>Wed, 03 Apr 2024 21:31:18.054502000 UTC +00:00,
"updated_at"=>Tue, 14 May 2024 05:15:07.438737000 UTC +00:00,
"newspaper"=>"Google News - US",
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