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🗞️Texas S.B. 4 immigration law in court as Dems mobilize communities - USA TODAY

Texas S.B. 4 immigration law in court as Dems mobilize communities - USA TODAY

2024-04-03 - (from Google News - US)

Texas S.B. 4 immigration law in court as Dems mobilize communities  USA TODAY‘Maybe Texas went too far’ with immigration law, state lawyer tells federal court  CNNWATCH LIVE: Court hears arguments on the constitutionality of Texas’ border arrest law  Fox NewsTexas' immigration-enforcement bill, SB4, is back in federal appeals court Wednesday  KERA News'Maybe Texas went too far' with immigration law, state lawyer tells federal court  Yahoo! Voices

[Italy] 🌎 https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMic2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnVzYXRvZGF5LmNvbS9zdG9yeS9uZXdzL25hdGlvbi8yMDI0LzA0LzAzL3NiLTQtdGV4YXMtaW1taWdyYXRpb24tYmx1ZS1kZW1vY3JhdHMtcmVwdWJsaWNhbi83MzA3MDgxNTAwNy_SAQA?oc=5


Title: Texas S.B. 4 immigration law in court as Dems mobilize communities - USA TODAY
Summary: Texas S.B. 4 immigration law in court as Dems mobilize communities  USA TODAY‘Maybe Texas went too far’ with immigration law, state lawyer tells federal court  CNNWATCH LIVE: Court hears arguments on the constitutionality of Texas’ border arrest law  Fox NewsTexas' immigration-enforcement bill, SB4, is back in federal appeals court Wednesday  KERA News'Maybe Texas went too far' with immigration law, state lawyer tells federal court  Yahoo! Voices

PublishedDate: 2024-04-03
Category: Italy
NewsPaper: Google News - US
"title"=>"Texas S.B. 4 immigration law in court as Dems mobilize communities - USA TODAY",
  1. Texas S.B. 4 immigration law in court as Dems mobilize communities  USA TODAY
  2. ‘Maybe Texas went too far’ with immigration law, state lawyer tells federal court  CNN
  3. WATCH LIVE: Court hears arguments on the constitutionality of Texas’ border arrest law  Fox News
  4. Texas' immigration-enforcement bill, SB4, is back in federal appeals court Wednesday  KERA News
  5. 'Maybe Texas went too far' with immigration law, state lawyer tells federal court  Yahoo! Voices
"published_date"=>Wed, 03 Apr 2024 09:09:47.000000000 UTC +00:00,
"created_at"=>Wed, 03 Apr 2024 16:26:16.615343000 UTC +00:00,
"updated_at"=>Tue, 14 May 2024 05:04:46.213118000 UTC +00:00,
"newspaper"=>"Google News - US",
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