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<p>Vermont senator makes remarks after Israeli strike kills seven aid workers, amid war that has killed more than 32,000 Palestinians</p><p>The Vermont senator and former US presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has a message for the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu: “Stop murdering innocent people.”</p><p>Sanders delivered his blunt message in an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, a day after seven aid workers were <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-aid-convoy-strike-what-happened-and-who-were-the-victims">killed by an Israeli strike</a> in Gaza.</p> <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/02/bernie-sanders-netanyahu-gaza-murdering-innocent-people">Continue reading...</a>
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--- !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::RSSEntry published: 2024-04-02 21:28:34.000000000 Z carlessian_info: news_filer_version: 2 newspaper: US general21 macro_region: USA image: https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/f6a327a09d92a12907c9e72fb17a1eba1eb64d3d/0_204_3055_1833/master/3055.jpg?width=140&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=6117c6cdf33dea7d6fe538a1fc9323f9 entry_id: !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::GloballyUniqueIdentifier guid: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/02/bernie-sanders-netanyahu-gaza-murdering-innocent-people title: 'Bernie Sanders to Benjamin Netanyahu: ‘Stop murdering innocent people’' categories: - Bernie Sanders - US news - Benjamin Netanyahu - Israel-Gaza war - Gaza - Israel - US foreign policy - Palestinian territories - Middle East and north Africa summary: '<p>Vermont senator makes remarks after Israeli strike kills seven aid workers, amid war that has killed more than 32,000 Palestinians</p><p>The Vermont senator and former US presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has a message for the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu: “Stop murdering innocent people.”</p><p>Sanders delivered his blunt message in an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, a day after seven aid workers were <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-aid-convoy-strike-what-happened-and-who-were-the-victims">killed by an Israeli strike</a> in Gaza.</p> <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/02/bernie-sanders-netanyahu-gaza-murdering-innocent-people">Continue reading...</a>' rss_fields: - title - url - summary - author - categories - published - entry_id - image url: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/02/bernie-sanders-netanyahu-gaza-murdering-innocent-people author: Martin Pengelly in Washington
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Imported via /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/import-feedjira.rb on 2024-04-03 16:35:32 +0200. Content is EMPTY here. Entried: title,url,summary,author,categories,published,entry_id,image. TODO add Newspaper: filename = /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/../../../crawler/out/feedjira/USA/US general21/2024-04-02-Bernie_Sanders_to_Benjamin_Netanyahu:_‘Stop_murdering_innocent_p-v2.yaml
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