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Mass death caused by a weather event known in Mongolia as dzud has devastated herds, leaving thousands of families short of food.
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--- !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::RSSEntry published: 2024-03-29 21:03:30.000000000 Z carlessian_info: news_filer_version: 2 newspaper: NYT - World macro_region: USA image: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/03/29/multimedia/29xp-mongolia-bzgp/29xp-mongolia-bzgp-mediumSquareAt3X.jpg entry_id: !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::GloballyUniqueIdentifier is_perma_link: 'true' guid: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/29/world/asia/mongolia-winter-animals-dead.html title: Harsh Mongolian Winter Leaves Over 5 Million Animals Dead categories: - Mongolia - Winter (Season) - Snow and Snowstorms - Agriculture and Farming - Cold and Cold Spells - Malnutrition - Weather - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - Global Warming summary: Mass death caused by a weather event known in Mongolia as dzud has devastated herds, leaving thousands of families short of food. rss_fields: - title - url - summary - author - categories - published - entry_id - image url: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/29/world/asia/mongolia-winter-animals-dead.html author: John Yoon, Khaliun Bayartsogt and Somini Sengupta
Ricc internal notes
Imported via /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/import-feedjira.rb on 2024-04-03 16:32:27 +0200. Content is EMPTY here. Entried: title,url,summary,author,categories,published,entry_id,image. TODO add Newspaper: filename = /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/../../../crawler/out/feedjira/USA/NYT - World/2024-03-29-Harsh_Mongolian_Winter_Leaves_Over_5_Million_Animals_Dead-v2.yaml
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