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Pope Francis delivers Easter Sunday address, amid concerns for his health, and an end to the wars in Gaza and Ukraine
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--- !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::RSSEntry published: 2024-03-31 13:03:30.000000000 Z image: https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit_1500w/rockcms/2024-03/240331-pope-francis-vl-1029a-31425d.jpg entry_id: !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::GloballyUniqueIdentifier guid: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/pope-francis-easter-sunday-health-cease-fire-rcna145761 title: Pope Francis delivers Easter Sunday address amid concerns for his frail health categories: [] carlessian_info: news_filer_version: 2 newspaper: US general8 macro_region: USA summary: Pope Francis delivers Easter Sunday address, amid concerns for his health, and an end to the wars in Gaza and Ukraine rss_fields: - title - url - summary - author - published - entry_id - image url: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/pope-francis-easter-sunday-health-cease-fire-rcna145761 author: Claudio Lavanga and Yuliya Talmazan and Reuters
Ricc internal notes
Imported via /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/import-feedjira.rb on 2024-03-31 23:43:58 +0200. Content is EMPTY here. Entried: title,url,summary,author,published,entry_id,image. TODO add Newspaper: filename = /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/../../../crawler/out/feedjira/USA/US general8/2024-03-31-Pope_Francis_delivers_Easter_Sunday_address_amid_concerns_for_hi-v2.yaml
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